FOR SALE BY OWNER Marine View Condo Unit 105 Wed, 09 Mar 2022 00:22:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FOR SALE BY OWNER 32 32 Hell? Wed, 09 Mar 2022 00:22:13 +0000 I’m amazed that anyone have time to write about their days can write for so much. Lord, guide my hands, and my fingers will type your praise.

It’s obvious that nothing short of Holy can be in the presence of God. So how can anybody make the assertion that Hell and Heaven are the same place? Loni went on to state that God will not force anyone to be in Heaven, or Hell for that matter. For the uninitiated, God is a loving God and He gave us the gift of freewill. That is, we are free to “choose” eternal life with God or we can choose to be rid of God.

Now, some of us may say, hey, my life isn’t so bad without God, so eternity without God doesn’t seem so bad. On the surface, that reasoning could be accepted if one is willing to live without Love, completely cut off from any other soul. That’s why solitary confinement is such a cruel punishment. So, to believe that one’s life can completely be devoid of God is an unreasonable assumption since everyone experiences presence of God even if they are not open to receiving the Love of God. God showers all of us, good and bad, with the same Love. We are free to choose to welcome the Grace, or we can pretend we are immune from His Love.

Choosing Heaven, then, is all about choosing Love. Choosing to Love. Choosing to accept Love. Choosing to give Love. Choosing to receive Love. Choosing to be Love. Choosing to be the people that God intends us to be is the most loving thing we can do with our life.

Choosing Hell, is, well, choosing to keep the Love that God has freely given for oneself. Choosing to indulge oneself rather than sharing that Love with others. Choosing to worship the self rather than accepting the One True God that is Love.

Most of us falls somewhere in between. We believe…

That’s all for today. Check in tomorrow!

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Heaven and Hell Mon, 07 Mar 2022 21:13:00 +0000 What a better topic than to start on this nth attempt at journaling our adventures in living. O, Lord, open my hand, and my fingers will type your praise (my version based on Ps. 51:15).

Just before our dinner of Safeway fried chicken, Loni and I stumbled on a conversation about life in heaven. I proposed that heaven and hell is the same place; the only difference is the perception of the people that are in heaven/hell. That is, how one perceives and accepts the Truth of God results in one’s eternal happiness or agony. If one accepts the Truth of God, as in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and our Savior, and the Holy Spirit as the triune God and declaring that Truth by living a just life in service and love of neighbor, then eternity is a happy, joyful place for that person simply because their earthly life was a reflection of heavenly Truth. Alternatively, if one rejects the Truth of God and lived a life of self-indulging decadence, they will experience for eternity the pain caused by the rejection of Truth that is God and His command of loving one another. Granted, there are many scenarios and situations that falls in between, and that’s why we have purgatory. For our immediate discussion, however, we kicked the ball around the concept of heaven and hell being the same place.

Of course, Loni being who she is, challenged the concept of heaven and hell being the same place. The most obvious is…

How do people blog so much in one day? That’s all the time I have today to write. Come back tomorrow!

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